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The Breakthrough Agency.

Free eBook: The Future of eCommerce – Progressive Web Apps

Accessible knowledge on this future-proof technology

If you’re looking to grow your eCommerce business, and know it’s time to scale up – you’re in the right place. Download our eBook all about Progressive Web Apps, and find out how you can harness this technology to speed up your site, increase conversions, and give your customers a better experience than ever.

3 reasons you need to download this eBook:

1. You don’t know what a PWA is

(Don’t worry, we forgive you.) If PWAs are nothing more than a technological mystery to you, you’re in good company. We’ve demystified what they are, what they do, and how they work – without getting into too much development jargon – to make the concept understandable to anyone who wants to learn. You’ll be an expert in no time!

2. You want to know if a PWA is right for your business

Know what a PWA is, but unsure if it’s right for you and your business? We’ll be delving into the benefits of investing in a PWA build, and taking a peek at some success stories of merchants who’ve used the technology to accelerate their growth. Perfect to help you make an informed decision.

3. You need to make a business case for investing in a PWA

So you’re convinced – but what about your boss? There’s plenty of information in this eBook you can use to build a business case – so no matter who holds the purse strings, you’ll be able to find the right words, data and benefits to convince them. Easy peasy!

Have we convinced you? Great: download below!