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The Breakthrough Agency.

Free eBook: Why Leading eCommerce Merchants are Investing in Design

UX Design. Fail to execute it properly, and the effects on your eCommerce business can be catastrophic. But execute it correctly? Well, that’s when the real magic happens – increased conversions, average order value, customer advocacy and exponential growth for your business.

“That’s all very well, but how do I do that?!” – that’s you, right now, right? Well, question no longer. We’ve written the eBook that’ll answer all your questions and put you on a path to tripling your conversions, growing your business and above all – making your customers happier than they’ve ever been before.

Oh and did we mention this eBook is free? We’re generous folks here at JH.

Click here to download your free copy!

What’s inside?

Okay, we know your time is valuable. We also know any eCommerce merchant will find value in this eBook, but if you need convincing – here’s a brief summary of what’s included and what you’ll learn from it:

Lesson #1 – Back to Basics – the difference between CX, UX, and UI

What even is UI, anyway? Before we deep-dive into the technical stuff, we’ll start you off with a bit of background about the technical terms we’ll be using. Now, when a developer tells you ‘this particular feature is integral to your UX’, you’ll know exactly what they mean!

What you’ll learn:

  • What CX, UX and UI stand for (and mean)
  • The differences between them and where they overlap
  • Why and how they are important to your business’ success

Lesson #2 – Measuring the ROI of User Experience in eCommerce

Generally, it can be difficult to measure ROI for something as subjective as design. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. In this chapter, we explore a way in which you can estimate a potential return on your UX improvements: by identifying the areas which need development, and then estimating financial losses that are attributed to these – all through observing and comparing your site analytics with current financials.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to accurately estimate the potential ROI from UX improvements
  • How you can develop a pitch to explain design ROI to internal company stakeholders

Lesson #3 – Common UX problems we see – and how to fix them!

Right, time for the secret sauce. Over the 12 years JH has been around, we’ve experienced many common UX pitfalls – and we’ve fixed just as many! In this chapter we’ll be sharing with you some of the common problems, and how we go about fixing them.

What you’ll learn:

  • What the common UX problems are and how they can negatively affect your site
  • Best practice for fixing these problems for good
  • Ways to increase conversion rates and average order value – using different UX tactics and techniques

Lesson #4 – The next generation of CX & UX in a Post-COVID world

While the COVID pandemic has undoubtedly hit many businesses hard, many eCommerce stores have been experiencing unprecedented growth – but with customer behaviours and expectations changing at such a rapid rate, will this growth be sustainable as we enter 2021 and beyond? We think it’s all about your approach – so in this chapter we’re sharing which elements we think it’s most important to think about and invest in, and what customers will expect from online businesses as we transition into a post-pandemic world.

What you’ll learn:

  • The changes in consumer behaviour and how they impact how customers interact with your business
  • How omni-channel businesses can adapt to changes in consumer needs
  • Why flexibility in payments and delivery are becoming more important, and ways you can implement this into your business model

Ready to start learning?

Great! All you need to do is tap below to download you free copy. We’ll see you on the other side…

Click to download your free copy!