Award Confetti logo-bs logo-dxn logo-odl Magento Piggy Bank 09AEAE68-D07E-4D40-8D42-8F832C1A04EC 79C8C7E9-0D9D-48AB-B03B-2589EFEE9380 1A734D92-E752-46DD-AA03-14CE6F5DAD57 E622E2D4-3B9C-4211-8FC3-A1CE90B7DFB2 Group 19
The Breakthrough Agency.

Is a Headless eCommerce solution what your business is missing?

If your business is grappling with design rigidity, slow updates, or inconsistent cross-platform experiences, a headless e-commerce solution could be key. Offering unmatched customisation, quick feature rollouts, and seamless multi-platform integration, it elevates site performance and user engagement. Headless commerce might just be the boost your online presence needs.

What does going Headless solve?

  • Rigid User Experience Design:
    Traditional e-commerce platforms often limit the customisation of the user interface. Headless solutions provide complete freedom to design bespoke shopping experiences tailored to specific customer needs and preferences.
  • Slow Time-to-Market for New Features:
    Headless architecture allows for rapid deployment of new features and updates without overhauling the entire system, significantly reducing time to market. This allows businesses to adapt quickly to market trends or customer feedback.
  • Multi-Platform Integration Difficulties:
    As businesses expand across various digital touchpoints, headless e-commerce provides consistent and integrated user experience across all platforms with a single backend.
  • Performance and Load Times:
    By separating the frontend and backend, headless solutions can improve website speed and performance. Developers can optimise the site without being constrained by backend processes.
  • Scalability Issues:
    Headless e-commerce supports scalability by allowing businesses to upgrade and expand their backend systems without affecting the frontend, ensuring the e-commerce site can evolve.
Speak to JH

Don’t take our word for it

What our clients say

We are Graham & Green, a 15-year-old Homewares and Furniture retailer. We’re a Magento user and I have been a client of JH for all of those years.  

One of the biggest wins we’ve had with JH is the implementation of our loyalty scheme; it’s actual money back, so when you buy from Graham & Green, 5% of the value is credited back to your account. That’s not an implementation you can buy out of the box very easily, but with JH, we were able to figure out the edge cases and restraints, and now it’s an absolute runaway success. We can’t print the loyalty cards fast enough.

Even if you’re not a Magento client, it’s still worth talking to JH because they’re not just a technology provider, but they’re almost like a concept provider, and they’ll be able to come back to you with solutions and ideas that you may not have thought of and may not be possible on your current platform, but they will just give you advice. They will give you best practices. They will give you their personal opinion, and that is worth so much more than just yet another technology.

Matt Medlyn – Head of eCommerce Graham & Green

Why arein a league of their own?

  • By default, we act as an extension of your team. You’ll know us by name, and we’ll care about your success as much as you do
  • As a team, we will provide the ideas, not just the execution, to take you to the next level
  • We have led the industry for 14 years, with one of the longest average client and staff retention rates around
  • We didn’t just pass the Adobe certifications, we wrote the questions alongside Adobe.
  • For 7 years, we have run Meet Magento UK, the official conference for the platform, educating the industry

Where do we go from here?

Starting your journey

  • Contact our sales team, say hello
  • We’ll book a call to get to know each other and understand the chemistry
  • We’ll offer you various educational engagements like workshops and discoveries, giving you a deeper understanding of our processes and plans
  • You decide if we’re right for you
  • We get you officially onboarded and solidify the roadmap
  • You experience what the levels above your existing agency look like

All good things start
with a “Hello”