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The Breakthrough Agency.

We’re speaking at Adobe Summit 2021! Here’s why we’re so excited…

You may have already heard us mention it a few times… But we’re ecstatic to be confirmed as speakers at Adobe Summit this year! As well as our talk, there promises to be a veritable ton of information and learning on offer at this flagship event, so we thought we’d take the opportunity to round up some of our top session picks to share with you.

What is Adobe Summit?

As Adobe’s flagship event, Summit is a must-attend conference for absolutely anybody who works within the realms of digital commerce – whether you’re part of the Adobe eco-system or not, you’re bound to stumble upon an incredible talk that’s going to inspire you in some way or teach you something new.

This year there’s over 200 sessions and workshops to choose between, across 11 different tracks, and whilst the overarching theme is centred around customer experience, the topics range across pretty much everything you could want to explore across eCommerce and beyond.

Tickets are free and the entire event is online, so there’s no reason to miss out! Click here to register, and start curating your own personalised agenda from the 100s of available talks – or, read on for our hand-picked recommendations….

Must-watch Summit Sessions

With 100s to choose from, you might be forgiven for feeling a bit overwhelmed with options. So we’ve done some work and cherry-picked some of the sessions we think all eCommerce merchants will benefit from below…

Opening Keynote

It can be harder to get into the spirit of things at a virtual conference, so we definitely recommend joining the opening keynote to help get in on the buzz! With appearances from leaders at Adobe, FedEx, Pfizer, General Motors and even the legend that is Serena Williams, this session is sure to get you in the right mood to soak up all the knowledge Summit has to offer.

JH & Google: Optimise your site performance with Progressive Web Applications

It would be weird to write this post and not mention our own talk, right? As Adobe Gold partners, we’re regular attendees and speakers at Adobe Summit, and it’s one of the highlights in our calendar. So we’re honored to have our very own talk this year, delivered in partnership with Google, no less.

If you want to take a deep-dive into how you can leverage performance optimisation for your eCommerce store, this is a must-watch. Delivered by our CTO, John Knowles, and Senior Web Ecosystem Consultant at Google, Salvatore Denaro, there’s key takeaways no matter what ecosystem you use, level you’re at or budget you have – so make sure you get this one in your agenda, pronto.

Add to your agenda

Magento: Commerce Roadmap Updates

Want to be ahead of the curve? In this talk, leaders from the Magento Product Management team chat all about the upcoming developments and changes coming to Magento Commerce – perfect if you’re planning for the road ahead. Ideal for developers and technical experts, but great knowledge for marketers, managers and analysts too.

Black Friday Every Day: How to grow a sustainable business

Alshaya is one of the largest e-commerce companies in the Middle East, with many of its brands hosted on Magento Commerce, and well known for labels such as H&M, Bath & Body Works, and Footlocker. We’re excited to see what advice and takeaways they have in their talk to share for generating sustainable growth across eCommerce brands!

How to Succeed in the Digital Economy with Consumer Trust

Our friends at Trustpilot will be sharing their thoughts on leveraging consumer trust for success – definitely a hot topic right now, and an underrated way you can stand out against your competitors, even in a saturated market. We’ll definitely be listening intently to what they have to share in their session.

Will we see you there?

We hope to see you at Adobe Summit! We’d be chuffed if you can find the time to drop in on our talk – but if not, we hope we get the chance to chat with you either way.