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The Breakthrough Agency.

JH introduces virtual yoga, meditation and workout sessions for our remote team

We announced just over a month ago now, that JH were going fully remote due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We were ahead of the government guidelines at the time; the team pulling together and adapting rapidly. Now the reality of working this way for the foreseeable future has really hit home and our team’s wellbeing is at the fore.

We have a close-knit team at JH consisting of developers, designers and our client services, operations and marketing departments. The JH office is an eclectic mix of skills and talent, as well as personalities, and it’s something we’ve all been missing. 

“Although we would all prefer to be back together again at the JH HQ, there’s a ton of initiatives you can introduce to ensure your team is looked after, supported and retain a sense of ‘togetherness’ and team morale.

Claire Johnson, Head of People at JH

To combat the feeling of isolation initially; we introduced several initiatives during the first week to ensure the team still kept in touch whilst working from home. These included our usual friday drinks hosted over a video call, daily drinks breaks and a shared playlist so we could all still argue over music tastes!

But as well as staying two steps ahead for our clients, it is absolutely essential we apply the same ethos towards our own team.  

That’s why we’ve introduced weekly yoga, meditation and exercise sessions. It’s important our team can connect regularly, enjoy these sessions together, begin to develop their new routines, as well as looking after themselves physically and mentally. We have also employed a personal trainer, nutritionist and wellbeing coach to advise and support our team 1:1 on diet and workout plans; adapting to being entirely home-based.

Although we would all prefer to be back together again at the JH HQ, there’s a ton of initiatives you can introduce to ensure your team is looked after, supported and retain a sense of ‘togetherness’ and team morale. We have lots more planned for the coming weeks here at JH.

Has your HR team introduced any initiatives that makes remote working life easier? Let’s share ideas – we’d love to hear about them. Get in touch!