Award Confetti logo-bs logo-dxn logo-odl Magento Piggy Bank 09AEAE68-D07E-4D40-8D42-8F832C1A04EC 79C8C7E9-0D9D-48AB-B03B-2589EFEE9380 1A734D92-E752-46DD-AA03-14CE6F5DAD57 E622E2D4-3B9C-4211-8FC3-A1CE90B7DFB2 Group 19
The Breakthrough Agency.

JH welcomes Oliver Sweeney as our new client

After a fantastic Discovery session, we’re so excited to get to work and partner with our new client; Oliver Sweeney

In 1969, a 16-year-old with big ideas ran away to London to be a shoemaker, his name was Oliver Sweeney! 

After 2 decades refining his craft with some of the best bespoke shoemakers in the trade, Oliver decided to go it alone and founded this wonderful business, becoming one of the great maverick shoe designers of his generation. 

Fast-forward 41 years and here we are as partners, ready to take Oliver Sweeney’s eCommerce business to greater heights whilst retaining what is an amazing story and rich brand history. 

Oliver Sweeney has a fantastic offering; such as a custom tattoo service for shoes as well as care and repair products and services – we’re really looking forward to supporting them in bringing these to life on their eCommerce journey. 

Oliver Sweeney were looking for an agency partner who could truly take them to the next level – and that’s exactly what we intend to do.

More to come, keep your eyes peeled!