Award Confetti logo-bs logo-dxn logo-odl Magento Piggy Bank 09AEAE68-D07E-4D40-8D42-8F832C1A04EC 79C8C7E9-0D9D-48AB-B03B-2589EFEE9380 1A734D92-E752-46DD-AA03-14CE6F5DAD57 E622E2D4-3B9C-4211-8FC3-A1CE90B7DFB2 Group 19
The Breakthrough Agency.

Progressive Web App Magento eCommerce Accelerator Programme

Starting From: £50,000
Launch time: 10-12 weeks
Start a project

Step into the future of eCommerce

Harness Progressive Web App (PWA) technology to create 3x faster, more engaging shopping experiences on Magento 2.

JH are global leaders in combining PWA with Magento 2, we became the first agency to successfully develop and deploy a PWA on the Magento platform in 2019. Since then, we have helped numerous clients stay two steps ahead of the competition by implementing PWA technology for their eCommerce business.

As part of your PWA Accelerator Programme with us, you can expect the following;

  • Free Consultation
  • Assigned Project Team
  • 24/7 Support
  • Discovery Workshop
  • Design & Deployment
*3rd Party Licenses required

Case Studies

You’re in good hands. Browse through our collection of PWA case studies from our existing clients.


  • 3x faster than previous platform
  • 82% increased revenue
  • 94% increase in transactions
  • 23% increase in conversions


  • 4x faster than previous platform
  • 75% increase in engagement
  • 81% decrease in bounce rates
  • 51% decrease in purchase funnel

UK Meds

  • 2.5x faster than previous platform
  • 39% increased revenue
  • 65% increase in transactions
  • 23% increase in conversions

Lets get started

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