Swingers Crazy Golf - A Partner Lunch with JH - JH Award Confetti logo-bs logo-dxn logo-odl Magento Piggy Bank 09AEAE68-D07E-4D40-8D42-8F832C1A04EC 79C8C7E9-0D9D-48AB-B03B-2589EFEE9380 1A734D92-E752-46DD-AA03-14CE6F5DAD57 E622E2D4-3B9C-4211-8FC3-A1CE90B7DFB2 Group 19
The Breakthrough Agency.

Partner Event Swingers Crazy Golf - A Partner Lunch with JH

8th February, 1.45pm

Swingers Crazy Golf - A Partner Lunch with JH

Let's Golf

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Join us at Swingers Crazy Golf in London's West End for a partner lunch like no other!

Scheduled for 8th February, we meet at 1.45 pm for a 2 pm tee off.

What’s on the agenda? A round of crazy golf, followed by a session of drinks and street food. It's the perfect setting to discuss plans and ideas for the year ahead with our esteemed partners. Ready to swing into action? Register through the form below and join us for an afternoon of fun and strategy. Any questions? Narelle's got answers at narelle@wearejh.com.

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