Award Confetti logo-bs logo-dxn logo-odl Magento Piggy Bank 09AEAE68-D07E-4D40-8D42-8F832C1A04EC 79C8C7E9-0D9D-48AB-B03B-2589EFEE9380 1A734D92-E752-46DD-AA03-14CE6F5DAD57 E622E2D4-3B9C-4211-8FC3-A1CE90B7DFB2 Group 19
The Breakthrough Agency.

The return of JH HQ!

It’s time to re-open the doors of our freshly refurbished Lace Market offices, after months of being closed!

Long before the days of ‘the new normal’ and social distancing – we were championing flexible working and work-from-home days as one of the many perks of working at JH. It has always been our belief that flexibility in the way our team works, allows them to do their best work, and we have pushed consistently to make things more flexible. We’re glad to see more and more agencies pick up on this, after years of denying it from their teams!

We do not, however, want to make the mistake of pretending working from home all the time works for everybody. 

Whilst some of us are thriving working from home full-time, that’s not the case for everyone. And so, with our team’s wellbeing at the forefront, we were excited to announce last week that our Nottingham office is open again, to welcome anybody who wants to use it!

“Long before the days of ‘the new normal’ and social distancing – we were championing flexible working and work-from-home days as one of the many perks of working at JH.

Emmy Jepson, Office Manager at JH

It was incredibly important to us that we re-opened in the safest way possible – which is why our offices have been refurbished into a hot desk space which maintains social distancing regulations. Our team now has the option to book out desks should they need to escape the house for a while!

We will still continue with our remote team activities: the legendary JH Lunchtime Quiz is the favourite amongst many of us, and we will be looking after ourselves with our weekly yoga and meditation sessions. But, with government restrictions lifting, we want to make sure our office is available to those who want to make use of it.

So what have we done?

To start, our space has been completely freshened up and redecorated! With new office artwork, freshly painted walls, and plants (lots of plants), we wanted to give JH HQ a little reinvigoration for everyone’s return.

An industrial deep clean has been carried out, and we’ve increased the number of office cleans per week, to ensure the space remains as sanitised as possible.

We have hand sanitiser stations available by the entrance, the kitchens, and throughout the area, as well on each desk. Previously, we all had dedicated office desks, but as part of our re-opening, we’ve decided to move to a smaller hot desk model, with a seating plan and space that ensures 2-metre social distancing can be maintained at all times. 

The option to work from the office is totally our teams’ individual choice. There are some of us who have been counting down the days until we can make use of that office coffee machine again; some of us who are loving working from home full-time, and some of us somewhere in the middle of that. 

We always have, and continue to, encourage remote working to those who want it or benefit from it – but it sure is great to have our space back!