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The Breakthrough Agency.

5 best Adobe Commerce features that increase business productivity

We’ve already covered some of the reasons Adobe Commerce is the best choice for growing businesses here on the JH insights blog – but one of the most impressive things about the platform is that it brings business benefits that reach far beyond your tech stack.

In this post we’ve picked out 5 of the best features exclusive to Adobe Commerce that increase the productivity of your business by up to 25% – so you can achieve more, without investing in additional staffing resources.

What are the 5 best Adobe Commerce features that increase business productivity?

1. Content Staging

Ever wanted to schedule updates, banner changes or promotion launches for your online store in advance? Adobe Commerce’s Content Staging gives your business team the ability to easily create, preview, and schedule a wide range of content updates directly from the store’s admin. These include promotional rules – that apply either in-cart or to your product catalogue – as well as changes on CMS pages, product pages, and category pages.

Being able to plan and launch any marketing activity or campaign ahead of time is a game-changer for your team’s productivity – this feature empowers your team to set up products in advance that launch on a certain day, create categories that are only live for a certain amount of time, and schedule limited-time promotions that can go live outside of business hours.

Many of these changes can be automated to switch back and forth, too – for example, your team can use Content Staging to create a page that changes automatically throughout the year on schedule: like for seasonal promotions.

Adobe Commerce also generates a visual timeline, meaning you’re always in control – giving you a preview of all upcoming activities, and allowing you to add and edit existing updates at any time.

2. Customer Management

Great customer experiences rely on your ability to access accurate information, quickly. Adobe Commerce centralises the customer data you rely on, no matter how many sales channels you use, and includes many native features that other platforms rely on third-party integrations for. Pull in data from your external CRM, ERP or elsewhere, automatically using APIs – and create custom attributes, like loyalty program details or account numbers, to support your business’ unique offerings. Your team can easily set up loyalty programs that let customers earn (and spend) points directly on the platform – and even offer gift cards without any third party integrations.

Powerful customer segmentation tools in Adobe Commerce make it easy to personalise your marketing – use them to dynamically display content and promotions across your site to specific customers, based on customer address, order history, shopping cart contents, and so on. And because customer segment information is constantly refreshed, customers can join and leave segments as they move through the customer journey – even during the browsing and purchasing process – giving you endless possibilities to create hyper-personalised experiences.

And when things do go wrong – repair those experiences with powerful tools that empower your customer service staff to issue refunds, create returns, or otherwise deliver an exceptional service that will keep your customers on your side. You can even make returns logistics easy for your warehouse staff with the native returned merchandise authorization (RMA) system – which assigns a unique RMA number to identify the returned product, streamlining your warehouse processing.

3. B2B Feature Suite

If your eCommerce business has a B2B offering: then Adobe Commerce is the single best choice for online growth. A powerful suite of B2B tools empowers your business customers to shop on your online store like a B2C customer – but with all the extras a B2B client would expect, including flexible bulk pricing, quote management, purchase orders and requisition lists.

Self-service B2B is king with Adobe Commerce’s powerful features: your business customers can create and edit their own company structure; add new team members – with different permission levels – request and negotiate quotes from the shopping cart; and track their order and quote history, all within your eCommerce website. Shared catalogues mean you are able to offer the same great experience to your B2C and B2B customers, but with tweaks to pricing and product ranges to serve B2B clients.

For more on how Adobe Commerce’s B2B features can help grow your business, download the Flex Your B2B Commerce Superpowers eBook from Adobe.

4. Category Merchandising

Visual merchandising is important in brick-and-mortar stores – and shouldn’t be forgotten for your eCommerce channels, either. Adobe Commerce has powerful built-in Category Merchandising tools that allow you to customise the way your categories display products, making them work better for your customers (and your business). Sort categories so products appear in alphabetical order; bring your bestsellers to the top; or make sure any sold out items always appear at the very end of a category. And if all else fails – you can simply drag and drop products within a category to change their position.

Product rules also streamline your workflow, enabling you to automatically assign products to categories based on specific attributes or criteria. No more manually assigning products to categories, or trying to wrangle with endless spreadsheets – it’s simple to set up, view and maintain your categories directly within the Adobe Commerce store admin.

5. Adobe Sensei

Want to bring the power of machine AI learning to your Adobe Commerce store? Available at no extra cost, Adobe Sensei now integrates with both native Live Search and Product Recommendations functions, making these features more powerful and personalised to your store than ever before. 

Adobe Sensei uses artificial intelligence and machine-learning algorithms to perform a deep analysis of aggregated visitor data. This data, when combined with your Adobe Commerce catalogue, results in highly engaging, relevant, and personalised shopping experiences. 

In short – the more sales and product data you build up on your store, the smarter the AI gets, and the more effective these features become. For more on using these tools effectively, check out our guide to product recommendations on Adobe Commerce.

Which of these best Adobe Commerce features would make the biggest difference in your business?

Adobe Commerce brings proven ROI to eCommerce businesses looking for their next stage of growth – far beyond productivity increases. To find out more about how these features could help take your business to the next level, join us on the 9th March for an online workshop on how Adobe Commerce can grow your eCommerce brand – with experts from JH and Adobe and real-world business success stories.