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The Breakthrough Agency.

Online Workshop: Growing your online business with Adobe Commerce | 9th March 2022

What do you do when your eCommerce business just… stops growing?

It’s an issue so many online businesses run into – you’ve got through the start-up phase, your retail business has grown rapidly since launch, and online is, or is becoming, a key channel for your brand.

But now, you feel as though you have hit a metaphorical brick wall.

Growth has slowed, or stopped completely. Sound familiar?
This brick wall you have hit often comes in the form of a template based, non-differentiated, inflexible eCommerce platform.

But how exactly does upgrading your eCommerce platform solve these issues?

We’ve teamed up with Adobe to host an online workshop covering just that – and sharing how migrating to Adobe Commerce could be the key to unlocking your business’ future growth.

Key takeaways:

✅ The tangible and measurable benefits of migrating to Adobe Commerce  

✅ Common commerce challenges and how to address these

✅ Real-life case studies from eCommerce businesses already migrated

✅ Your questions answered in a live Q&A 

Places are limited – sign up now to reserve your place!

Workshop Speakers

Jamie Huskisson, CEO @ JH

Working at the forefront of eCommerce for over a decade, Jamie built JH to be the difference in the industry – and take eCommerce merchants two steps ahead. With Jamie at the helm, JH has delivered innovative eCommerce experiences on Adobe Commerce and Magento across multiple sectors, winning a multitude of awards and many being the first of their kind. Today he advises on wide-ranging digital strategy, eCommerce business growth, and hosts Meet Magento UK, the community conference based around the Adobe platform.

Ashika Ramjee

Now working as a Solutions Consultant at Adobe, Ashika has extensive experience working within the IT software and services industry. Highly skilled in Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target, and SaaS eCommerce – Ashika has extensive knowledge of what brings success to digital transformation projects.

Matt Duff

Currently Enterprise Sales Manager at Adobe, Matt comes from a wide-ranging background in the eCommerce space, and is passionate about building relationships, sharing insights and adopting new concepts that improve customer experience.