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The Breakthrough Agency.

Adobe Summit 2024: Top 5 eCommerce Talks

The best sessions relating to all things eComm

Why we’re recommending these ones:

The next article in our Adobe Summit series zeroes in on the crucial eCommerce channels, showing how Adobe’s innovative tools can help you grow within your industry. We delve into the latest enhancements Adobe has rolled out and examine how these advancements can be a game-changer for your business.

What are the critical updates that could reshape your eCommerce strategy? How can these Adobe solutions integrate into your operations to deliver a solid return on investment?

To ensure you’re leveraging the best that Adobe has to offer, here are our top five sessions that you can’t afford to miss. Each session is packed with insights and strategies designed to keep you two steps ahead in the world of digital commerce.

Want this in a handy download? Get our Adobe Summit: The Definitive What To Watch Guide now

The Top 5: eCommerce talks at a glance:

  1. eComm Masterclass: HanesBrands Creates the World’s Fastest Storefront – S435
  2. Implementing the Three Rules of B2B eCommerce to Power Growth – VS441
  3. Critical Ingredients for eCommerce Expansion and Revenue Growth – S433
  4. Accelerate Time to Insights from Your PDFs with GenAI – VS622
  5. Creating Commerce Experiences That Drive Growth with Adobe – VS440
Slide from the Opening Keynote of the Adobe Summit 2024

1. eComm Masterclass: HanesBrands Creates the World’s Fastest Storefront – S435

Why we think it’s worth a watch:

In this session, you’ll discover how HanesBrands enhanced Maidenform’s eCommerce platform by integrating Adobe’s cutting-edge technologies. This resulted in a halved bounce rate, improved core web vitals, a tenfold increase in unbranded keyword traffic, and faster page load times.

You’ll learn strategies for streamlining storefront authoring, boosting performance and SEO, and using edge delivery to enhance customer engagement.

It’ll give you insights into utilising Adobe Commerce data to personalise campaigns and increase sales and how to integrate various Adobe solutions effectively to meet business needs.

Impacts on eCommerce:

  • Improved site performance and user engagement directly contribute to lower bounce rates and faster loading times
  • Personalised marketing campaigns powered by detailed Adobe Commerce data help increase conversion rates and customer retention
  • Strategic integration of technology improves operational efficiency and adapts to evolving market demands
Slide from session VS435 of the Adobe Summit 2024

2. Implementing the Three Rules of B2B eCommerce to Power Growth – VS441

Why we think it’s worth a watch:

This session explores the “Rule of Thirds” in B2B eCommerce, where buyers balance their engagement across self-service, remote, and traditional sales channels, emphasising the need for versatile customer interaction options.

You’ll discover strategies for implementing technology solutions that automate processes for scalable personalisation and real-time exceptional customer experiences, with success stories from current users.

It’ll educate you on how to enhance your relationship with both major customers and the broader customer base using digital tools that improve sales rep effectiveness and drive marketing KPIs from eCommerce signals.

Impacts on eCommerce:

  • Diverse engagement strategies that cater to varied buyer preferences boost customer satisfaction and retention by providing multiple engagement options
  • Utilising digital tools and automated personalisation significantly enhances the efficiency and scalability of customer interactions, which in turn improves sales metrics
  • Effective data utilisation gathered from eCommerce activities helps businesses forecast trends more accurately, personalise interactions, and optimise inventory and logistics, leading to increased operational efficiency and cost reductions
Slide from session VS441 of the Adobe Summit 2024

3. Critical Ingredients for eCommerce Expansion and Revenue Growth – S433

Why we think it’s worth a watch:

This session covers the enterprise-level scalability and performance capabilities of the Adobe Commerce cloud platform, designed to support expansive global business models.

You’ll learn about recent product enhancements that cater to complex multisite and multi-region business operations.

It explores the best practices for leveraging Adobe Commerce’s features and frameworks to expand your business and enhance revenue generation.

Impacts on eCommerce:

  • Enables businesses to manage and enhance their online presence across multiple channels efficiently, leading to increased sales
  • Improves site performance, which can lead to better user experiences and potentially higher conversion rates
  • Supports complex business operations, allowing for seamless global expansion and management of multiple product lines and sites
Slide from session S433 of the Adobe Summit 2024

4. Accelerate Time to Insights from Your PDFs with GenAI – VS622

Why we think it’s worth a watch:

This session dives into new generative AI features in Acrobat that streamline the processing of long-form documents, significantly reducing the time it takes to extract valuable insights.

It gives practical tips and best practices to effectively utilise these new Acrobat AI capabilities in various professional settings.

You’ll find out how Adobe ensures the security and responsible use of generative AI in their products.

Impacts on eCommerce:

  • Enables faster access to crucial business intelligence from vast amounts of unstructured data, improving decision-making processes
  • Enhances productivity by reducing the time spent on document handling, allowing more focus on strategic tasks that drive business growth
  • Streamlines information retrieval and management, crucial for maintaining competitive advantages in fast-paced market environments
Slide from session VS622 of the Adobe Summit 2024

5. Creating Commerce Experiences That Drive Growth with Adobe – VS440

Why we think it’s worth a watch:

This session emphasises the importance of an experience-led approach to both B2B and B2C digital commerce using Adobe to enhance customer interactions and drive business outcomes like revenue growth and customer satisfaction.

It demonstrates how Adobe Commerce can be utilised to create impactful experiences tailored to specific business objectives and customer engagement data.

It contains strategies for architecting digital solutions with Adobe Commerce that align with and propel business goals.

Impacts on eCommerce:

  • Improves sales conversions and deepens customer loyalty by delivering tailored shopping experiences
  • Increases operational efficiencies by leveraging commerce data from the initial customer interaction
  • Enhances revenue per customer through strategic use of technology and data
Slide from session VS440 of the Adobe Summit 2024

JH’s Take Away

The Adobe Summit 2024 was all about turning insights into action with a sprinkle of Adobe magic. These top picks have given us the lowdown on the best of Adobe for eCommerce customers. 

Whether it’s improving site performance, personalising customer interactions, or integrating advanced AI, these sessions are your playbook for success if you’re looking to shake up the e-commerce game.

Want this in a handy download? Get our Adobe Summit: The Definitive What To Watch Guide now

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