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The Breakthrough Agency.

Free eBook: eCommerce PWAs for Retail, by JH, Adobe & Internet Retailing

It’s no doubt that Progressive Web App (PWA) technology is set to become the future of eCommerce. But what are the tangible benefits of investing in this technology early and getting ahead of your competitors? What does a PWA build and implementation process look like, and what benefits does it bring to both your eCommerce brand and your customers? And how do you know if PWA technology is right for your eCommerce business?

Well – we’ve teamed up with our partners Adobe, Internet Retailing, and sourced insight from experts at Google; resulting in this brand new PWA eBook, designed for eCommerce merchants, and answering all those questions and many more.

Download this eBook to find out how a PWA could get your eCommerce business ahead of your competitors

Covering everything from implementation to real-world ROI, this eBook is designed to support the key decision makers at eCommerce businesses to make informed decisions about their online store’s future. Curated by Paul Skeldon, Editor at Internet Retailing, and with contributions from Jamie Huskisson, CEO at JH, Eric Erway, Group Product Manager at Adobe Commerce, and Penny McLachlan, Product Manager at Google, this eBook offers a thorough analysis of the benefits of PWAs for retailers, from those who know the technology inside out.

Packed with technical (but digestible) insights to help you decide whether a PWA is right for your eCommerce brand and what approach to take, this is the next best thing to a sit-down chat with experts from JH, Adobe and Google.

Stay informed on the latest technology in online retail and download your copy today.