Award Confetti logo-bs logo-dxn logo-odl Magento Piggy Bank 09AEAE68-D07E-4D40-8D42-8F832C1A04EC 79C8C7E9-0D9D-48AB-B03B-2589EFEE9380 1A734D92-E752-46DD-AA03-14CE6F5DAD57 E622E2D4-3B9C-4211-8FC3-A1CE90B7DFB2 Group 19
The Breakthrough Agency.

JH has created four of the fastest PWA implementations in eCommerce!

We all know that pagespeed = conversions in eCommerce and that it plays an important role in customer engagement and thus, future business growth.

Four clients in top 15 fastest PWA sites!

We’ve proven this to be true through many of our case studies, with clients who have partnered with us to become some of the earliest adopters of progressive web apps (PWA). 

Being an agency that has pushed for innovation and encouraged this early adoption amongst our own clients, we’re pleased to announce that we now have four of the fastest known PWA stores on the web, globally! 

Selco Builders Warehouse, Workwear Express, Xercise4Less & UK Meds have all fallen within the top 15. 

JH – The leading agency for Magento PWA

This is all great kudos for JH, Magento PWA Studio and our PWA clients – and of course is another reason why eCommerce businesses should be considering PWA. 

JH has been leading the Magento agency for 11 years now, always staying two steps ahead. In 2018, we became the very first agency to successfully develop and deploy a PWA on the Magento platform. To now have four highly successful PWA projects, that have realised some phenomenal results for our clients, makes us really proud to be the first to adopt this new technology. 

Our hope is that with more and more Magento businesses opting to adopt PWA early, we’ll begin to see true innovation taking place in our industry and some incredible eCommerce experiences!

What makes PWAs so fast?

But what is it exactly that makes Progressive Web Apps, on average, 43% faster than other responsive websites, not to mention being more engaging for customers? 

PWAs are developed so that they pre-load and store your site content on the customer’s device whilst they browse. This results in much faster page load times, since the content is already rendered once the customer gets on a page. 

The median first page load time of PWAs is around 3.5s, but each subsequent page your customer visits thereafter will be faster than the last. This results in an average page load time of around 1.4s, compared to a current industry average (across all eCommerce platforms) of 6.2s. 

Why is page speed so important to customer engagement?

Google recently conducted a study which looked at customer engagement in relation to site speed whilst shopping online. They found that there was a direct correlation here, with 53% of online customers abandoning sites that took longer than 5 seconds to load – it’s clear that there’s  a gap to fill here, and that PWA is the solution. 

Although we agree that there’s more to a successful eCommerce site than speed alone, there’s no denying it does play a huge role – our clients are testament to this. 

With PWA set to become the new industry standard, we’re advising merchants to invest sooner rather than later to get a head start on their competitors. 

Test your site speed and see how you measure up!

If you’d like to test your site speed, click here.

And if you’re not happy with the results, get in touch with us about our PWA Accelerator Programme