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The Breakthrough Agency.

The #1 eCommerce Trend for 2021 and Beyond

It’s not all about technology this year. 

Most of these ‘eCommerce Trends’ posts are just a list of the types of technologies you need to implement to stay ‘ahead of the trends’. But this year, we don’t think the key to success is whether you have multiple payment options, heavy personalisation or even a super-fast site (although it’ll certainly help).

It’s about strategy.

After the events of last year putting more than a proverbial spanner in the works – arguably accelerating changes in consumer behaviour by around 5 years during ‘normal’ times – we think the biggest trend in eCommerce will be centred around creating robust business strategies.

Specifically – reviewing all we learned last year, and applying it to 2021 and beyond.

If you experienced unprecedented success last year during the shift to online – how are you going to replicate that again this year?

On the other hand, if you saw a drop in sales last year – how are you going to adapt and change this year to achieve long-term success?

How will you deal with consumers being online-first, with the threat of retail being closed – partly or completely – as we hear this situation could continue in the longer term?

What are you doing to stay agile and adapt to issues in logistics, supply and demand, and limited consumer touchpoints – whether they’re due to Brexit, the pandemic, retail closures, reduced consumer spending, or inevitably something new that will join our slew of already pressing problems?

How can you do things faster and cheaper – maybe differently to how you’ve done them before – while still engaging and supporting both your workforce and your customers, and without compromising on quality?

How can you turn problems into opportunities – changes into innovations – setbacks into USPs?

If all that seems like a minefield – you’re in the right place.

Last month we ran a series on our blog focussing on growth strategy, so that’s a good place to start:

For more guidance – well, we actually know quite a bit about developing bespoke growth strategies for eCommerce merchants. We’ve created them for many of our clients – helping them to adapt and grow, no matter what’s going on in their industry.

Not ready or able to up sticks move to a different agency right now? Don’t worry. We can still develop your growth strategy for you – through a package of research and discovery – and present the results for you to implement yourself, or brief your current agency.

Want to find out more about our discovery and consultancy services? Get in touch with Jamie for a non-committal chat about how we can help you on or via +44(0)115 9338784