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The Breakthrough Agency.

5 Key Digital Transformation Strategies from Meet Magento UK 2024

Digital transformation as a process is nothing new. But while every business is evolving, the gap between transformation done right and transformation gone wrong is widening.

Throughout Meet Magento UK 2024, digital transformation was a key theme. We didn’t want a conference full of theory though – we bought you battle-tested strategies. We’re here to share what really works.

Doing digital transformation well

Digital transformation should be a comprehensive approach, leveraging the right strategies and technologies that ensure growth. 

It’s versatile. It can be broad, overhauling entire systems, or laser-focused on specific improvements. But it’s easy to fall into “easy-win” traps that become sink-holes of time, money and sanity. 

In this article, we’ll dive into five key areas of digital transformation:

  1. Customer feedback is king
  2. Data is your secret weapon
  3. Small gains, big wins
  4. Performance and personalisation are cruical
  5. The realities of AI in business

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Our upcoming ebook goes deeper, offering even more exclusive insights and actionable strategies. Sign up now to be first in line when the ebook drops!

1. Customer feedback is king

Your customers are more than conversion rates. Elevating customers from statistics to the heart of your brand is a game-changer.

Gone are the days when businesses could make assumptions about what their audience wants. Today’s market leaders have mastered the art of listening to their customers.

Shaun Loughlin, Global Head of eCommerce of Le Mieux couldn’t have laid it out any clearer: “We simply asked our customers what they wanted and then we worked really really hard to give it to them.”

Groundbreaking, right? Yet so many companies still play the guessing game when it comes to what their customers want.

But are you asking the right questions? Shaun hammered this home: “Speak to your customers, ask them stuff, do more qualitative research, do interviews, do user tests, do surveys, find out what’s really important to them and get it straight from the horse’s mouth.”

This isn’t navel gazing or a waste of time. It’s hardcore intelligence gathering that’ll give you the edge.

Action Point: Ditch the crystal ball. Set up regular customer feedback sessions. Use that gold to fuel your transformation. We did this for Big Bus Tours and BAM – 22% conversion rate increase.

But what does it mean to truly listen in the digital age? By creating a continuous feedback loop you’ll turn customer insights into profit.

This dive into Customer Empathy from JH Strategy Director Joe Russell is timeless gold. Understanding the “whys” gives you a level of understanding the figures alone can’t provide.

2. Data is your secret weapon

Everyone’s looking for an edge. But what if the most powerful weapon in your arsenal is something you already have in abundance?

We’re talking about your data. The digital footprints your customers leave behind in your transaction logs and buried in your CRM.

Suzana Bulearca, Managing Director of PBSL Group explained: “We’ve tried to build a business architecture centred around data, and this data helps understand our customer base better. This essentially helps us serve them better and more profitably, and in a way that is relevant to them.”

But having data and weaponising data are two very different things.

Suzana nailed it: “Without people to interpret and apply this data creatively to the wider business context, it literally can be just a bunch of nonsense with a high price tag.”

It’s not a one sided process. Data without knowledge is useless. Businesses without data are also useless. 

A/B testing is a great way to dive into the nitty gritty of the “whys” that back up the data you collect. Whether you’re trying to find pains in the UX, decide between multiple content styles or just iterate on the perfect CRO strategy, A/B testing should be a huge part of your process. This article on A/B testing is a great place to start.

Action Point: Invest in data tools. But don’t stop there. Build a team that can turn that data into action. We developed a B2B portal for client Workwear Express that turned data into a 23% revenue spike. That could be you.

3. Small gains, big wins

With digital transformation, it’s easy to get caught up in the allure of big, game-changing projects. But true transformation isn’t always about grand gestures. It’s about the relentless pursuit of progress, no matter how small.

Think of it like compound interest for your business. Each small gain might seem insignificant on its own, but stack them up, and it all adds up. Stop searching for that silver bullet.

Phil Draper, General Manager EMEA of Dotdigital and his super trendy sneakers said: “There’s a plethora of other tactics that could be used…it might give a little 1% nudge over here, a 2% nudge over there. By putting in multiple ones, the sum of these gains is significant, and that is the prize.”

Translation: Stop hunting for unicorns. Start racking up those 1% wins. It’s not always sexy, but it works.

Phil didn’t stop there. He challenged us all: “Are you utilising your customer data? Is your tech stack up to the job? And are you implementing the right tactics? If the answer is no, the chances are you’re leaving money on the table.”

Ouch. But he’s right.

Action Point: Build a hit list of quick wins. Crush them one by one. We did this for Woodie’s and scored a 79% conversion boost. That’s not a typo. We’re talking a complete overhaul – from discovery workshops to a full Magento 2 migration with Progressive Web App (PWA) functionality. The result? A future-proof site that’s leaving competitors in the dust.

CRO is another frequently overlooked goldmine of micro-gains. Nailing down your site UX can reap rewards with conversions shooting through the roof. Take a look at our session on Conversion Rate Optimisation.

4. Performance and personalisation are cruical

We’ve been hearing it for years: “Mobile is king.” Yet countless businesses are still scrabbling. Why? Because they’re underestimating the power of tailoring the digital journey for different platforms, browsers, and devices.

The device your customer holds in their hand isn’t just a smaller version of their desktop. It’s a completely different beast, with its own set of user behaviours, expectations, and opportunities. If you’re not optimising for these differences you’re actively pushing customers away.

Karlijn Löwik, CEO of RUMVision with the provocative “SUX sells” (SUX = Sitespeed User Experience) tagline explained: “Just a one-point second boost can boost your conversions in B2B by 8.4% and B2C by 9.2%.”

If your mobile experience sucks, you’re watching your profit walk out the door. But it’s not just about speed. It’s about the entire mobile journey: “62% of people will not return to your website if they had a bad experience.”

‘Good’ isn’t good enough anymore. You need to be exceptional. Poor performance doesn’t just kill immediate conversions – it’s a slow death to customer retention and brand loyalty too.

Action Point: Audit your mobile UX. Now. We helped Big Bus Tours crush it on mobile, turning pandemic lemons into revenue lemonade. We’re talking a complete redesign of their city landing pages, optimised for mobile, with a 22% conversion rate increase. That’s what happens when you take mobile seriously.

5. The realities of AI in business

For every business riding the AI wave to unprecedented heights, there’s another drowning in a sea of buzzwords and unfulfilled promises. 

The difference? Understanding what AI really is, what it can do, and how to harness its power without getting burned.

Meet Magento UK 2024 demystified AI, and we’re here to show you the real, tangible ways AI is reshaping digital transformation.

Hosted by JH’s very own Customer Success Manager, Nick Muldoon, his panel got right into the nitty gritty of AI and its current use cases: “The next wave of AI means that you don’t need to be so smart about your data… AI will let you cut corners on some of that because it will let you interrogate unstructured pools of data in ways that you haven’t been able to do before.”

But don’t get it twisted. AI isn’t a magic wand. It’s a tool. A powerful one, but still just a tool.

Action Point: Start exploring AI now. But do it smart. Follow the panel’s advice: “Write an AI policy for your business if you do not have an AI policy, that’s a great place to start.”

The Bottom Line

Digital transformation is your ticket to breaking through that stubborn growth ceiling. At JH, we don’t just talk – we deliver. From discovery workshops that uncover hidden gems to Progressive Web App implementations that leave your competition in the dust, we’re here to turn your digital dreams into reality.

We’ve seen it all. We’ve done it all. From increasing Workwear Express’s revenue by 23% with a PWA-powered B2B user journey, to boosting Woodie’s conversions by a whopping 79%. We don’t deal in maybes. We deal in results.

Ready to stop playing and start dominating? Give us 45 minutes of your time and we’ll show you what you’re missing out on.

Let’s show the eCommerce world what you’re really made of. Because in this game, you’re either disrupting or you’re being disrupted. Which side do you want to be on?