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The Breakthrough Agency.

A look back at Meet Magento UK 2021: By the numbers

This week was a little different to a normal week – and for good reason! On the 14th July 2021 we were proud to host the 10th anniversary of Meet Magento UK – the 4th year JH have hosted this event – and it was an absolute whirlwind, in the best way possible!

Whether you were in attendance and want to reminisce, take a peek behind the scenes or simply want to find out what you missed, read on to hear about the numbers behind Meet Magento UK 2021.

(And yes – we’re working on getting all the recordings available to watch as soon as possible! Stay tuned…)

1930 people registered for tickets

We hadn’t anticipated the demand to be so high this year, which left us temporarily ‘sold out’ of tickets! We acted quickly and were able to ensure lots of you later ticket registrants were still able to access MM21UK – meaning 381 more people were able to register on the day of the event alone!  It’s so great to see MMUK grow in popularity each year. We were up 600 attendees compared to last year, 2020! Who knows how many attendees will be coming along to MM22UK?! One lesson learnt; to ensure we have more than enough tickets next year!

Attendees joined from 80 countries

Meet Magento UK this year truly spanned the globe – with 80 countries represented, across 6 of the 7 continents (where were you, Antarctica?!) it was staggering to see the event have truly global appeal. As Brian Green from Adobe said in his closing keynote – is it time for a new name for this event more befitting it’s worldwide reach? Maybe…

32 amazing talks were given

With a combination of panels, discussions, Q&As and presentations, there really was a talk to appeal to everyone at Meet Magento UK this year. With so many to choose from, and 4 different tracks running at the same time – it’s no wonder so many of you asked if we would be making the recordings available post-event. Fear not! Our brilliant production team are working on formatting and rendering the live recording behind the scenes, and we’ll be releasing them as soon as we can. So whether you want to catch up on the talks you missed, or revisit and reabsorb at your leisure, those will be coming your way very soon. Sign up to the mailing list to be the first to know when they’re ready to watch.

Jamie Huskisson, CEO at JH, during his Opening Keynote, introducing the lineup of speakers for the day

40 fantastic speakers were given a platform

The packed lineup enabled us to give a platform to more speakers than ever this year – including 8 speakers who had never had the chance to speak at an event of this size before… And they all absolutely outdid themselves! With so much fantastic talent on offer, it’s impossible to list them all here – although you can still check them out on our MM21UK agenda – so watch out for upcoming blog posts with tailor-made playlists for the topics and concepts in eCommerce you might want to learn more about.

917 chat messages were sent

The chat really was wild on the day! With almost 1000 messages dropped into the chat, it was amazing to see the attendees so engaged with the talks on offer. So many of you were so supportive to the speakers and MCs – and we know they really appreciated that – and you were quick to drop any questions in the chats too. That’s the great thing about a live event – you really get the chance to submit questions directly to the speakers, and get them answered live by the experts.

Polly Lygoe, Client Services Director at JH, and Elena Richie, Head of Industry for Retail at Google, join Talia Shani, Marketing Director, UK at Yotpo for an Amazing Women in eCommerce Panel.

90 matches were made in Networking

Meeting new people is something we particularly miss from the lack of in-person events over the last 18 months, and that lack of connection was one of our biggest worries about hosting MMUK online again this year. But our attendees took it all in their stride – and we were so pleased to see 90 pairs were matched in the Networking area of the event! That’s 180 people meeting their next partner, customer, employer or friend in the industry – how magical is that?

123 questions were submitted

With so many brilliant speakers covering highly immersive topics, it was unsurprising we had so many questions submitted during the talks. We wish we could have had the time to answer all of them – it’s tough to fit everything in during a live event – and where possible, we’re following up with the speakers to see if we can answer those questions in detail here on the JH blog in the near future. So stay tuned!

Each talk track was hosted by a specialist MC from the JH team – (from left to right) Joseph Russell, Head of Product Design on the Merchant Track, Dwayne Codling, Pod Lead and Frontend Developer on the Technical Track, Anastasia Ouzouni, Senior Project Manager hosted the Platform Track, and Janak Kika, Account Manager on the Platform Track

Visitors rated the event 8.9/10

While we always collect our own extensive feedback from attendees, speakers and sponsors – which helps our event to get better every year we host it – we were chuffed to see so many of you rating us so highly through the Hopin platform’s feedback system. Live events have so many possibilities for things to go wrong – and to see so many of you score us 10/10 was very humbling. We also received some great written feedback to help us make the event even better in 2022!

Attendees spent, on average, 3 hours 43 minutes active in the event

We’re always floored by the time our MMUK attendees devote to the event – and this year was no exception. We know it’s especially hard to sit and focus for long periods of time at a virtual event, and we appreciate your attention and interaction all the more because of that.

How was Meet Magento 2021 UK for you?

We’d love to hear your experiences of the day – and see any photos you took! Share them on Twitter with the #MM21UK hashtag or tag us @MeetMagentoUK – and let’s keep the party going until 2022…