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The Breakthrough Agency.

6 reasons developers need to attend Meet Magento UK 2021

Here on the JH blog, we’ve talked a lot about Meet Magento UK over the last few weeks – we’ve given you a rundown of the event, discussed the best talks for eCommerce merchants, and detailed what you can expect from Adobe at this year’s event. But we haven’t yet talked about one of our largest parts of the audience – developers and software engineers.

As a specialist digital agency who holds themselves in high regard when it comes to their technical team – and as the organisers of MMUK for the last 4 years – it’s unsurprising that we’d have a whole track dedicated to our audience of developers; aptly named the Technical Track! But while you could do a lot worse than sit in that track for the entire day, there’s plenty of other reasons to book your ticket for Meet Magento UK 2021

Here’s 6 reasons you should be attending the conference this year – along with a selection of our recommended talks you may have missed. And don’t worry too much if you can’t make ALL the talks you want to attend on the day, because it’s all available on demand!

Keeping up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies

Events like Meet Magento UK offer a rare opportunity to ‘lift the lid’ on emerging technologies and platforms and hear what the owners and managers of them have to say about their current state – and future! This year you can hear the latest from Google’s Core Web Vitals, learn about what’s coming next for Magento PWA Studio and PageBuilder, look ahead to the future of Adobe Commerce with a breakdown of the current roadmap, and even get an insight into Hyva Themes. There’s plenty more covered too, depending on what you specialise in – check out the latest agenda here.

Furthering your knowledge and learning

The main reason we make time to attend conferences and events is to further our own learning – and we’ve worked hard to ensure Meet Magento UK fulfils that need, too. Gain greater understanding of planning and implementing future Adobe Commerce upgrades by catching Sandra’s talk – as the Product Manager at Adobe Commerce, she’s sure to have some gems to share. Looking to speed up your workflow? Then you might want to tune in for Rafael’s exploration of how he optimises his development process and supports his team to do the same. And if you’re worried about how complex the path to Magento certification seems, then check out Mark Shust’s talk, packed with tips to make it a little clearer.

Gathering ideas for your own work

With a wide range of merchant case studies represented at Meet Magento UK this year, it’s a great opportunity to check out what other developers have been doing for their brands. Maybe you can pick up some handy ideas from Fast’s talk on headless checkout; or maybe the PWAs for Retail panel with contributors from Google, Adobe and JH is more up your street. If you work closely with non-technical managers, check out Anton Evers’ talk on static code analysis for executives; as well as tips on how to combine tools and techniques to maintain a healthy codebase, you’ll likely pick up some tips on translating complex issues to colleagues who don’t have the same understanding you do. Or perhaps Oleksandr’s talk on getting the most out of NewRelic for troubleshooting would be more valuable for you?

Networking with your peers

Coding can be a lonely job – especially when so many of us are working remotely. Take some time to connect with others in the space by using the networking feature during the event (there’s several breaks in the talks, so you don’t need to miss any of the sessions) or keep an eye on the #MM21UK hashtag on Twitter to find a new acquaintance or two. It’s not the same as meeting your new best mate in the bar at the after party, but it’s worthwhile all the same!

Making connections with future employers

As well as 100s of developers from across the globe, every year Meet Magento UK attracts hiring managers and decision makers from a wide range of the world’s best and biggest digital agencies and eCommerce merchants. Whether you’ve got your future career sights on a world-leading digital agency (like us here at JH – we’re always looking for developers – but also any number of other fantastic agencies out there) or working directly for a merchant, the event is a great place to connect with and make a good impression on someone who might be hiring you in the future. As it’s a virtual event, you won’t be able to bump into them in the lobby – but you can make use of the networking feature or reach out to them directly to express your interest. 

Discovering new industry experts and brands to inspire you

We work really hard each year to bring you the best stories and speakers at Meet Magento UK – and along with receiving some fantastic talk submissions, we reach out to inspirational figures in the industry for even more value for attendees. If you’re after deep-dives into stories of success, check out Cox & Cox’s talk on the merchant track, which details how they grew their business and increased customer engagement during the pandemic. Or learn from the biggest in the biz by tuning into Akoova’s fireside chat, where Osvaldo will be discussing strategies with AWS’s Alejandro – ideal if you want to learn ‘how Amazon would do it’.

Will we see you at the conference this year?

Don’t forget – all tickets are free to attendees this year, so if you haven’t booked yet… What are you waiting for?! We can’t wait to see you there next week!