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The Breakthrough Agency.

Adobe sneaks deep dive: DemandDetector for Adobe Commerce

Adobe Summit 2022 shared lots of sneak peeks from the Adobe labs – right across the ecosystem, the product teams are experimenting to create the next generation of experience technology.

But for us, fewer sneaks were more exciting than DemandDetector…

What is DemandDetector?

Currently in development in the Adobe labs, DemandDetector is arguably the next step up from Adobe’s Live Search, which brings the power of Adobe Sensei AI to eCommerce searches. This feature takes the technology to the next level, by channelling search insights to highlight gaps in your product offering, and make suggestions for future product launches – all backed up by data that gauges whether there will be a real demand from your customers.

Watch the full sneak here, or read on for our analysis, with corresponding screenshots from the Adobe Summit session.

What does DemandDetector solve?

There are few larger missed opportunities on an eCommerce site than a search that returns zero results. This can send customers to competitors, decrease shopper engagement and send conversion rates plummeting. DemandDetector is Adobe’s effort to overcome this – while also providing data-led insight to support your future product sourcing and marketing strategies.

The power to track consumer wants

For merchants, DemandDetector creates notifications directly in the Adobe Commerce admin when searches with no results show up – highlighting attributes that may indicate gaps in a catalogue, or perhaps where in-demand attributes are not marketed effectively.

But that’s not all – the feature also calculates the drop in engagement after a particular zero-results search, as well as the possible conversion rate increases, the percentage of site visitors using the search term, and the percentage of competitors that carry products that would show up in this search. This can help merchants make informed decisions about whether investing time and money in sourcing a new product line would pay off.

Product sourcing strategies informed by data

Going beyond a simple notification, merchants can also access a live report tracking this data over time – helping them decide if interest is sustained and worth investing in, or just a flash in the pan.

All this information is really powerful in both predicting demand for future product lines, and highlighting any attributes your product lines already cover, but that are not being showcased well enough to appear in search results.

Even more benefits for B2B merchants

But the DemandDetector features don’t stop at data and insights.

For B2B brands, built-in features let you begin the sourcing process too – highlighting vendors who can supply products that fit your needs, providing data on product popularity, and even share details internally for further investigation, right from the Adobe Commerce admin panel.

When will DemandDetector launch?

Features and products shown in sneaks at Adobe Summit don’t aren’t always guaranteed for release, for a multitude of reasons. But 60% of sneaks do see some sort of launch – whether in their original form or as part of another product – so we’ll be keeping our fingers crossed that DemandDetector is one of those…

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