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The Breakthrough Agency.

On Demand Workshop: Using customer empathy to curate impactful eCommerce roadmaps

How confident are you that your roadmap is innovative and is setting you up for future growth?

It’s very common for online businesses to reach the first £10m online turnover milestone, and then find that growth slows, or stopped entirely. Once you’ve ruled out your eCommerce platform being the cause of growth stagnation, the reason is almost always down to their roadmap.

The most common challenge that we come across, is that the eCommerce roadmap has not been built around the customer. 

Whilst we are experts in developing ‘best-practise’ roadmaps, it’s your customer who has the real power here!

In this workshop, we cover the design thinking approach and take a deep dive into the customer empathy stage – looking at things you can be doing to steer your roadmap in the right direction and deliver those big innovative changes that ensure future growth. 

Key takeaways:

✅ Assess the maturity of your current roadmap 

✅ Assess the maturity of your customer insights

✅ Learn new ways you can gain insights into your customers 

(**Spoiler Alert** It’s not as expensive or time consuming as you may think!)

A recording of this live workshop is now available on demand!

Workshop Speakers

Joseph Russell, Strategy Director @ JH

Joseph is a designer and digital strategist with more than a decade’s experience of producing web and mobile projects for international brands, leading SMEs, and ambitious start-ups. At JH, he focusses on creating high-performing customer experiences for online retailers.

His extensive background working with clients across multiple sectors equips him with blend of skills that span user experience and interface design, front-end development, digital marketing, and project management – meaning he has unique insight on how all these different specialisms can work together and push you towards your business growth goals.