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The Breakthrough Agency.

Top recommended talks for eCommerce merchants at MM21UK

With over 30 talks on offer at Meet Magento UK 2021 – across four different talk tracks – and speakers from companies including Google, Adobe, IMRG, Yotpo, Akoova, and more: you’d be forgiven for feeling a bit overwhelmed by the schedule!

Never fear – we’ve rounded up our top recommendations for eCommerce merchants, so you have somewhere to start when building your schedule for the day.

Don’t forget – everything will be available on demand post-event, but since so many of the talks are live, it’s worth spending time in the streams: it’s an ideal opportunity to ask questions and get clarification in real-time, as well as connecting with fellow attendees.

Onto our top talk recommendations…

Keynote: Move over Millennials, there’s a new online shopper in town

Peter Sheldon, Senior Director of Commerce Strategy at Adobe, is back again to kick off Meet Magento UK with a bang! After 14 months of pandemic-fueled, meteoric growth, what’s next in commerce? There’s no turning back, that’s for sure. Online buying is about to get a new tailwind: the Gen Z shopper. These true digital natives are poised to take a significant share of total retail spend and change the face of digital commerce. In this session, join Peter Sheldon, Senior Director of Commerce Strategy at Adobe as he explores the impact that Gen Z will have through the remainder of the decade and how online merchants and brands will need to adapt to stay relevant for an audience that is focused on expression, truth, and dialog.

How has the pandemic changed online retail?

Andy Mulcahy from IMRG is back with his unparalleled insight into the retail trends of the last year! Everyone knows that the high street was closed for large portions of 2020/21, and many online retail product categories boomed as a result. But what are the longer term implications of the big shift? What has actually changed, rather than been accelerated? Expect plenty of learnings backed up by meticulous data collection from all corners of the retail industry.

Amazing Women in eCommerce: Panel Discussion

Join Talia Shani, UK Marketing Director at Yotpo, Polly Lygoe, Client Services Director at JH, and a surprise eCommerce expert – as yet unannounced – for a panel discussion, as part of Yotpo’s Amazing Women in eCommerce events series.

Taking beautiful homes digital: Cox & Cox on leveraging demand for rapid eCommerce growth

Inspired by success stories? Join Aynsley Peet, eCommerce Director at home furnishings brand Cox & Cox, to uncover the secrets of their business growth during the last year. Find out how they leveraged new marketing strategies, payment options, and personalisation – resulting in an uplift in sales, improved social media engagement and a major shift in demographics over the last year. Then get ahead of the trends and see what new technologies they’re planning to incorporate next! As well as sharing some of their secrets to eCommerce success, Cox & Cox will be discussing challenges this growth has presented them with – including operations, stock management, and expanding into new warehouses – and how they’ve worked to overcome them.

Turning your eCommerce business into a growth engine – Chloe Thomas, eCommerce Masterplan

Best selling author, international speaker, and host of the eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast – Chloe is back to share her tips and tricks on growing your eCommerce business. Having worked in eCommerce since 2003, Chloe always has incredible insight into what brings success for businesses in the space – and we can’t wait to hear what she has to share this year.

Akoova Fireside Chat: Lean thinking for retailers

Join Osvaldo Spadano, CEO at Akoova, and Alejandro Mondragon, Head of Retail Business Development at Amazon Web Services, for a discussion on how retailers can become leaner without compromising their user experience. Don’t forget to make use of the Q&A to ask any burning questions!

The next level of your customer experience with Tchaysllaney Rayenelly

For this talk we welcome another successful eCommerce merchant – Tchaysllaney Rayenelly, Creative Director at Haivision. She’s here to share her insight on taking your customer experience up a peg or two; with real-world insight from a merchant on the ground, this is sure to be as packed with knowledge as it is inspiring.

PWAs for Retail: Panel Discussion with Adobe, Google, Internet Retailing & JH

If you’re curious about what a PWA could do for your eCommerce business, this is a must-attend. Adobe, JH and Google recently worked together to research and develop an eBook designed to be a comprehensive guide on PWAs for retailers, and this panel brings together the contributors for a live discussion and Q&A. Learn about the capabilities of PWAs, why they are so well-suited to retail, and take the opportunity to ask questions of the panel – which includes experts on PWAs from Adobe, Google and JH – the first agency to deploy a PWA on the Adobe Commerce platform.

Will we see you there?

We hope that left you feeling inspired! For a look at all the other brilliant talks on offer, check out the full agenda here, and don’t forget to sign up for your ticket to Meet Magento UK 2021 – it’s free, so there’s nothing to lose, and everything to gain…